The Online Influence Conference 2015 welcomed the world’s social and mobile tech giants to Cardiff’s City Hall for an amazing day of Keynotes, Masterclasses, Networking and Showcasing.

Speakers included Google, Twitter, YouTube, Coral, Just Eat, Yahoo, Hootsuite and their presentations covered the latest innovations in social, mobile and digital marketing. Delegates also had the opportunity to network with hundreds of key decision makers and attend intimate Masterclass sessions.




Michael Thornton AdRoll #oi15

Welsh Assembly Government #oi15 

#oi15-Guy sitting Prince Charles

Izabela Puchala Ensighten #oi15 

#Oi15-Steve Dimmick


Suzanne Rudall Welsh Assembly Government #oi15



Jan Wiechers and Michael Complojer Google #oi15  

Sheri Hall Golly Slater #oi15


#oi15-Andrew Grill

Sheri Hall, Golly Slater, #oi15

#oi15,-Neil White

Michael Thornton, AdRoll, #oi15

Gethin Roberts, Care Council for Wales, #oi15

#oi15-Golly Slater

Fasthosts, #oi15

Adam Fairbank, Sport Wales, #oi15

#oi1 -Guy-standing

Jan Wiechers and Michael Complojer Google #oi15






Jeremy Waite, #oi15

#oi15 AdRoll

#oi15 group-standing  

AdLib Recruitment, #oi15

AdLib Recruitment, #oi15

Percolate, #oi15



#oi15 Guy-in-hat

#oi15 Guy-in-red-shirt

#oi15 Guy-on-laptop

#oi15 Guy-sitting

AdLib Recruitment, #oi15

#Oi15 Shoes-and-Bags

#oi15 Presentation

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