Every day thousands of people across Wales are benefiting from regular walks.
Let’s Walk, a Wales wide initiative developed in partnership with Sport Wales, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Countryside Council for Wales asked us to produce an information pack aimed at people who lead/want to or co-ordinate a walking group. This pack offers a series of fact sheets based on the experience of co-ordinators of successful walking groups – the sort of challenges they faced, good ideas that helped them, the information they had to go and find for themselves.
These bilingually produced fact sheets, act as a signpost to useful information, both local and national.
Their aim: ‘Enjoy walking – keep walking’.
Annual Report and Accounts and Good Practice documents.
As the Sports Council exists to promote sport and physical activity as part of everyday life, we wanted to produce a concept that conveyed that ethos.
We came up with a graphical representation of time. 1 year, 12 months and 365 days of sport in Wales, since the last report was published. A second document highlights the momentum achieved in the last year, with case studies of individuals and organisations, from elite athletes to lunchtime walking clubs.
Click on the cover (below) to view an interactive version of this document
Click on the cover (below) to view an interactive version of this document
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